Last month I launched 2015 with a goal that I would lose weight. I set myself on a calorie budget using the FatSecret app to 1800 calories and by the very nature of staying under that mark I begin to eat smarter. The first two weeks went swimmingly well, and I lost 13 pounds. The next two weeks after that, I stepped on the scale and the needle did not budge one bit. How did consistent weight loss just come to a halt?
Vision Class Vacations
In 2013, I took my first cruise and I was hooked. After that week on the seas, I realized that I have really found out what it truly feels like to vacation. As opposed to other times when I still have my smartphone begging for my attention in my pocket, when you are at sea it is not connected.
No Negativity
Earlier tonight, I began writing a post in regards to some software that I had some issues with. I stopped a quarter of the way through and began thinking that I should write about something else. I do not want to make this site a soapbox for my rants.
Hit The Ground Running
“Start before you’re ready.” ~Steven Pressfield
I have this tendency to not begin something until I can have every detail fully planned out in mind for a flawless execution. For the most part, I can do this and it works fine for me. Then there are times that I have no idea how it is going to end up, like starting a business, building a website or refinishing a closet. I get overwhelmed with the possibility that what I do will fail. Continue reading “Hit The Ground Running”
Economics, Accounting and Computers
Tell us about your favorite subject(s) in school and why that matters (or doesn’t) today. – John Saddington
My favorite subjects that I have taken in school were Economics, Accounting and Information Technology related courses. These particular subjects naturally clicked with me and they were something I really enjoyed.
Getting Institutionalized at Work
Anyone who spends a lot of time at any stage in their career and has any sense of ambition will eventually begin stirring for change and growth. I spent many years as a Systems Analyst and as much as I enjoyed it, I eventually realized that I needed a change.
My Precious Smartphone
I am sitting here this afternoon watching a movie when my phone dings. My focus is now split from watching the movie I am into and wondering what wonderful mystery could await behind that black iPhone screen.The phone can wait.
Seconds go by like minutes, until the phone dings again. I am excited to find out what is so important that my phone must shout to the world.
I give in, I pick up my phone to find out that it is just some routine workflow alerts from our SharePoint portal at work. I close the folio cover on my phone and resume watching the movie.
Minutes and another audible break in my connection with the movie. My thoughts shift back from the movie, back to the phone. The anticipation consumes me as I give into my precious electronic world to see what is going on again. Someone is challenging me to a game of True False, I got this. Continue reading “My Precious Smartphone”
Patience is a Virtue
Anything worth having requires patience and hard work. Building a successful site must be cooked like a crock-pot and not in a microwave.
“Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance.” ~ Samuel Johnson
Organizing Priorities
Work, family, developing a brand, blogging and now school is starting up, things are already getting crazy in the dawn of 2015. With so much going on, I am challenged to carefully consider how I should be spend my time. Continue reading “Organizing Priorities”
10 Days and I have a Better Blog
Today marks the last day of the “10 Days To A Better Blog” workshop by The workshop has forced me to look deep, answer hard question and I am much better off for it.
Coming into this workshop, this blog had a handful of posts published and has been around since 2007. With a little motivation, this site has sprung back to life and is back in action. Continue reading “10 Days and I have a Better Blog”