Top 50 Free Cybersecurity Lab Sites 2022

Alert to win –

Attack-Defense –

Bancocn –

Certified Secure –

CMD Challenge –

CryptoHack –

CTF Komodo Security –

Ctftime –

Cyberdefenders –

CyberSecLabs –

EchoCTF –

Explotation Education –

Google CTF –

Hack The Box –

Hackaflag BR –

Hacker Security –

Hacker101 –

Hacking-Lab –

Hacksplaining –

HackTheBox –

Hackthis –

HackXpert –


ImmersiveLabs –


NewbieContest –


OverTheWire –

Penetration Testing Practice Labs –

PentestIT LAB –

Pentestlab –

PicoCTF –

PortSwigger Web Security Academy –

Practical Pentest Labs –

Pwn college –


RangeForce –

Root in Jail –

Root-Me –

SANS Challenger –

SmashTheStack –

TCM Security –

The Cryptopals Crypto Challenges –

Try Hack Me –

Vulnhub –


W3Challs –

WeChall –

Zenk-Security –

Webgoat –

Dojo –

Cyber Security Education Platform

Securzy –

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